PerTronix 1168LS Ignitor Ignition, Flame-Thrower 40K volt Coil & Coil Bracket
The 1168LS is for a Delco 6 cylinder. I used it on a ’55 235 engine. I bought new and used it for a couple of hundred miles. I then rebuilt the engine and installed a new cam that required an iron gear on the distributor (I didn’t know this until I had purchased the cam). The original Delco distributor has a steel gear, so I purchased an HEI distributor with an iron gear. Since I removed the 1168LS, it tested good according to PerTronix’s instructions. I also have a spare 1168LS (also tests good) that I bought in case the original failed. I also have the PerTronix 40501 Flame-Thrower 40K volt, 3 ohm, chrome and a chrome mounting bracket for the coil. The best price new that I can find for the 1168LS is $150.00. The best price new for the coil is $53.00 and the best price new for the bracket is $15.00. I will sell the 1168LS’s for $100.00 each, the coil for $40.00 and the bracket for $10.00. I also have a slightly used set of Moroso Mag Tune Ignition Wires 9050M, which is the type recommended by PerTronix for the Ignitor. They list for $27.00, I’ll sell them for $20.00. Buyer pays for shipping.