
Serial #9789,  Brewster Green w/Black hood and fenders.  Sold new at Ewing Hardware Co. Jeromeville Ohio in 1915.  Charles C. Ewing repurchased this car in 1950.  Ewing Chevrolet was a franchised Chevrolet Dealer from 1914 – 2007.  The car is displayed at the Canton Classic Car Museum, 123 6th St SW, Canton OH 44702.  This vehicle had a complete ground-up restoration in 2003 by Richard Cocklin to celebrate the 90th Anniversary of Ewing Chevrolet. on March 15, 2004.

See photo below: L-R, Stanley C. Ewing* seated. (son of C. C. Ewing*). Dick Cocklin*  middle, VCCA member who restored this vehicle.  Dave Ewing, standing far right, President/Dealer (son of S. C. Ewing*).  The photo was taken in 2004.  *Deceased

ModelH-4 Baby Grand Touring

Serial #9789,  Brewster Green w/Black hood and fenders.  Sold new at Ewing Hardware Co. Jeromeville Ohio in 1915.  Charles C. Ewing repurchased this car in 1950.  Ewing Chevrolet was a franchised Chevrolet Dealer from 1914 - 2007.  The car is displayed at the Canton Classic Car Museum, 123 6th St SW, Canton OH 44702.  This vehicle had a complete ground-up restoration in 2003 by Richard Cocklin to celebrate the 90th Anniversary of Ewing Chevrolet. on March 15, 2004.

See photo below: L-R, Stanley C. Ewing* seated. (son of C. C. Ewing*). Dick Cocklin*  middle, VCCA member who restored this vehicle.  Dave Ewing, standing far right, President/Dealer (son of S. C. Ewing*).  The photo was taken in 2004.  *Deceased

Owner#39554 - Dave Ewing