1940 Chevy Technical Service Bulletins / Sales Manager Info / Merchandising Bulletins

1940 Chevrolet Technical Service Bulletins, Sales Manager’s Service literature for 1940 Chevrolet Jim Handy Filmstrips/records, 1940 Truck Data Bulletins and Parts and Acceessories Merchandising Bulletins from 1942-1945. Almost everything here relates to 1940 Chevrolets with the exception of the Mechandising Bulletins. These are all copies of the originals. The stack of papers measures over 3/4″ think and is housed in a 3-ring binder.

You are weelcome to go on eBay and buy 1 to 3 Technical Service Bulletyins and pay $10 + shipping from other vendors. OR you can buy this hugh lot of information for one low price. Your choice.

It will be safely shipped on your nickel.

David Miner



Contact and Location Info
David Miner, vcca66chevelle@gmail.com, Canton, OH